The Lesbian Project is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organisation. Our principles are established to guide us as an organisation and they underpin all our research, publications,  events, lobbying, and community work.

1 We focus on same-sex attracted females

Our focus is same-sex-attracted females. We don’t think either biological sex, or being attracted to others of the same sex, are choices. By definition, only females can be lesbians, in virtue of their biological sex. Our understanding of both “sex” and “sexual orientation” are in line with those of the 2010 Equality Act.

We are not particularly fixated on labels. Lesbianism is a sexual orientation that goes by various names in particular contexts. Not all same-sex-attracted females call themselves “lesbian”. We are not engaged in identity politics and will not get into disputes about names. Our focus is the group, not the name for the group.

We don’t claim to “speak for” all lesbians, who are a diverse community, including politically.

2 We work to improve lesbian wellbeing

Our focus is on improving lesbian wellbeing. We focus less on “equality,” understood in the narrow sense of equal treatment with gay men or heterosexual people.

3 We recognise the intersecting nature of challenges faced by lesbians

In our research, lobbying and community building work, we understand that individual lesbians are not only affected by being same-sex-attracted and female, but also may face other challenges in life pertaining to class, race, maternity, disability, and other factors.